Philip Jones

Philip Jones

  • 01 Jan 2014 Present

    Currently updating my portfolio. Find the old version at Behance for the time being.

  • 01 Nov 2012 Present

    I was asked to create a sample application to audition for the Web App Developer position at Logi Analytics. After considering a few ideas, I realized that I could finally put my ridiculous collection of personal music data to use… and hopefully learn a lot along the way.

    Armed with a database dump of my Last.FM song play data since 2006 and a spreadsheet of every concert I’ve attended since before that, I figured I could correlate the two based on common artists.

    I began, as usual, by whiteboarding ideas and quickly creating a series of Balsamiq wireframes to sketch out the concepts I had in mind. The goal was to combine these data sources and use a single control area to analyze the results.

    • The first image
    • The second image

    I created a Logi Info application with custom CSS, web fonts, and graphics.

    I learned .

    • The third image
    • Another slideshow, first image
    • Another slideshow, second image
    • Another slideshow, third image